Thanks for stopping by! I'm David, a health enthusiast, cooking hobbyist, and nature adventurer. I am a gardener by heart, a lover of the simple life, a guy who likes to build stuff, and a pick-up soccer fanatic.
Health Simplified has been a long time coming. As an infant, I went from happy to horrible. Gluten was the cause, and thus began my health journey. My knowledge of health, nutrition, and fitness began to snowball, until it became a deep passion.
In 2016, I graduated Summa Cum Laude from Lynchburg College with a B.S. in Biomedical Sciences, in 2018 from the University of Lynchburg with a Masters of Physician Assistant Medicine, and lastly passed my boards in September of 2018 and became a certified Physician Assistant (PA-C).
I want to help you live your very best life as naturally as possible. Sunshine, bare feet, farmers markets, organic produce, seasonal eating, daily movement, meal prepping, adequate sleep, hydration, and so much more are part of what I do. If you're looking for this approach to optimal health rather than a quick fix, over the counter treatment, or chronic disease medication, I think that you're in the right place. But we don't stop there. Simplicity is our motto and we make your health journey just that, soooo simple!
Whether you are a young professional looking to keep nutrition a priority, need help with fitness ideas and meal planning, or are a new mom looking to drop some weight, we are united at Health Simplified through our positive attitude. The commonality between our participants is a highly motivated and proactive attitude that loves the process of improving health as much as receiving the results.
Health Simplified isn't a quick fix, special supplement, or magic pill. We eat real food, strive for healthy daily rhythms, move our bodies, optimize our environments, and keep grinding because we love the journey. If you're getting excited by reading this, I can't wait to hear from you and help you get after your goals!
My Story
In Health,
The mission of Health Simplified is to provide you with the tools, resources, information, and assistance to bring forth the healthiest version of you. We do so by educating you with information, skills, and strategies while providing accountability and encouragement to reach your personal health-related goals. We passionately seek to bring forth a happier, more energy-filled, and life-exuding you!
You: We strive to treat everyone with respect, kindness, and integrity.
Commitment: The road to progress is often challenging, but we know that small steps continually can lead to big results
Accountability: We're here to help get you to where you want to be
Companionship: We become a part of one another's journeys
Growth: we strive for results and celebrate when we get there!
Our goal is to help you reach your individual health and wellness goals in whatever area that may encompass.
The Team
Rick Daum mba, Athletics Administrator
Strategic Business Consultant
Rick comes to the table with a thorough business background in both education and in practice. He plays a major role in providing practical and strategic business advice to Health Simplified to ensure top tier services and style reach our clients.
Kyle Hodges m.ed, College Career Coach
Social Media Consultant
Kyle plays multiple behind-the-scene roles for Health Simplified. Her creative background and ability to wear many hats enables her to contribute to the thriving of our social media, marketing, photography, design, and much more.
David Steele mpam, pa=c, Health Coach
Founder of Health Simplified
David's primary function at Health Simplified is to take health and wellness related knowledge that he has acquired over the years and pass it onto others in the most simple, practical, and straightforward manner to make health living a possibility for all.
Michael Orner bs, Nuclear Engineer
Information Technology Consultant
With an engineering background, Michael brings a wide range of information technology knowledge to the table and is the go-to guy for technical related problems. He has played a pivotal role in troubleshooting and proposing creative solutions to tech-related challenges.